I.H.H.H.F. International
Hwa Rang Husunsul – Do

The traditional way of Martial Arts

About I.H.H.H.F.

Our goal is to maintain and further mediate Hwa Rang Husunsul-Do . Although Hwa Rang is a mature and highly effective martial art, it is little known and not widespread – even among people who are into the field of martial arts. That we want to change! Our passion for martial arts, the effectiveness and efficiency of Hwa Rang, as well as its cultural heritage is the motivation for us to put this martial art back into the public consciousness.

We want you!

Our goal is to win more martial artists: by good education, training and seminars to join our federation.

This homepage is made for all those who want to gain information about the activities of the IHHHF and the Hwa Rang Husunsul-Do System. The IHHHF and of course this homepage is still under construction. So if you are missing information or have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us!

& Seminars

Our championships and seminars are open to anyone who is interested for our association. Our goal is to create a network of traditional martial arts with these events.

The main focus here is to learn from each other all over every Martial Art. So that the flame of traditional martial arts is carried on.

GM Salvatore Tiso

Executive Director
GM Dojun Nim Salvatore Tiso

Contact: ihhf@gmx.de

Bruchhausenerstraße 29
D – 59759 Arnsberg

Office: (+49) 02932 / 4957625
Mobile: (+49) 0174 / 8075569

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We are looking foreward to read your quotes and suggestions.

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Hwa Rang Husunsul-Do


Martial arts have their origin in the need to defend themselves against aggressors. It’s about fending of the opponent as quickly as possible with all available means and thus eliminate the risk: The Husunsul Hwa Rang Do – System combines two of these arts and is one of the most effective and efficient systems for self-defense

Hwa Rang Husunsul-Do, literally “the way of the warrior of self-defense”, is a modern self-defense system that has its roots in the ancient Korean martial arts.Developed over centuries as a combat system, the system adapts to the student and not the student the system! An essential aspect of Hwa Rang Husunsul-Do is the omission of forms-runs like Kata, Hyong or Tul, as taught in e.g. Karate or Taekwondo. This ensures that the student learns realistic self-defense techniques against one or several opponents from the beginning on!

Hwa Husunsul-Do means to learn a lot of techniques and skills. These include various knife and stick drills, unarmed hand drills, throws, levers, sword fighting, long & short stick, ground combat, nerve techniques, pressure points, fist & foot techniques, etc.

Hwa Rang Husunsul-Do is only taught to those who can present a flawless criminal record!

- GM Dojun Salvatore Tiso

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Bruchhausenerstraße 29
D - 59759 Arnsberg

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Office: (+49) 02932 / 4957625
Mobile: (+49) 0174 / 8075569

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